Become a Member of The Trust and help to support the Common!

The Common has a considerable amenity and recreational value, especially to the communities which surround it; surprisingly, however, it is not supported by any regular local, regional or, indeed, national aid, and though its owner - the Monken Hadley Common Trust - does have a small amount of income from things such as rents and wayleaves, this is nowhere near enough to cover the running costs. The Trust is therefore heavily dependent upon the income it receives from its members - and as a charity it is able to reclaim tax on Gift Aid on qualifying membership subscriptions, which boosts this income by up to 25%.

The Common is managed and maintained on an almost wholly voluntary basis, and none of the volunteers are paid for the time spent working there, although from time to time contractors do need to be employed for things like mowing the grass and attending to large trees to keep them safe. The contribution of the many people who give their time and effort running the Common would simply not work without the financial support provided by its members to cover the unavoidable expense of running 74 hectares of public open space.

If you value the Common, and you are not a already a member of the Trust


Membership of the Trust is available both to individuals and to businesses. (If you run a local business and might be interested in your business becoming a member of the Trust and/or becoming a sponsor, please let the the Membership Secretary know at

To join as an individual member please:

Set up an Annual Standing Order using Online Banking or your Mobile Banking App

You will need to enter the following information:

Payee Name:Monken Hadley Common Trust
Sort Code: 51-61-34 (You’re Paying NatWest Bank Plc)
Account number:83664793
Is this a business?(YES)
Standing Order Reference:Please use your surname and initials e.g. Smith P or Brown C A B

Set up an Annual Standing Order using a form

You will become a member when the Trust has received BOTH a properly completed application form AND your first payment by standing order.

If you have any queries about membership, or would like application forms posted to you, please contact the Membership Secretary, Cornelia Dung:


Tel: 08445 004 307

Latest News

Although the Trust does not have a 'News' section on our website we aim to provide occasional updates of recent activity and future plans.


Users of the Common may have seen notices placed by Enfield Council regarding the planned introduction of a drainage 'bund' on the Common to the south east of Parkgate Avenue. The Trust supports the project as it will improve a very wet and therefore inaccessible part of the Common and hopefully stop homes being flooded after extreme rainfall. The ‘bund’ will be a relatively small area with raised sides into which excess rainfall will flow and then gradually drain through the usual system. It is expected that work will start in the next few months and be complete in the spring. It should not take long to construct but exact dates are not yet known.


As regular users of the Common will doubtless have noticed, brambles are spreading across many of the smaller and less used paths. Our Volunteers (see ‘Vacancies Corner’ on the website if you are interested in volunteering) try to keep the paths clear however the wet summer has meant the brambles are winning just now. Please feel free to join us on a Tuesday or Thursday morning to keep trimming.

Bakers Hill & carpark

The surface of the car park at Bakers Hill has deteriorated over recent years, particularly the entrance. Tarmac has recently been laid at the entrance and hollows filled elsewhere in the carpark. This has been done in an effort to increase use of the car park and reduce parking on Bakers Hill. Parking on Bakers Hill narrows the road inappropriately (large trucks need access to the railway and utilities running across the Common) and damages the Common. In due course, now the carpark surface has been improved, bollards will be placed at the unofficial lay-bys along Bakers Hill to stop parking.

Tree work

We have recently undertaken a review with our arboriculture advisor and noted trees which need or may need attention in the future. Trees have been marked accordingly to help future identification. We will only reduce or remove trees if or when safety becomes an issue for users of the Common.


As users of the Common will realise, it costs a substantial amount annually to maintain the Common as a safe and pleasant environment which is open to all. Work, as outlined above, costs a great deal. The Trust urges those who use and enjoy the Common to contribute whatever they can in an effort to support the Trust. Membership is open to all - see the Membership tab on the website, and as a registered charity the Trust welcomes donations, small and large!

Vacancies corner

  1. Woodlands volunteer - we are looking for someone with expertise on woodlands in general to join either as a volunteer or, possibly, as a trustee. Please contact for more details.